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Thank you for joining us at the Choices & Opportunities Outreach events!

There was extraordinary turnout at the three in-person Choices Events, hosted throughout the County. Participants were asked to engage with information on the Comprehensive Plan (CP), the 15 Year Housing Strategy, the Unified Land Use Code (ULUC), the Transportation and Mobility Plan Update (TMP), the Community Wildfire Protection Plan (CWPP), and additional information from Jefferson County Open Space. Between 150-200 participants were able to share their thoughts on all pieces of the Together Jeffco planning effort.


Public participation is an important part of an inclusive and comprehensive planning process. Meaningful public input provides valuable direction to inform the County’s vision and is achieved by both listening and responding to the community.

Jefferson County believes that all residents have a voice that must be heard in preparing the updates. Everyone will be encouraged to participate in the Update process and Plans preparation. Participation will be monitored and evaluated throughout the process to determine if adequate representation is achieved or if modifications to outreach should occur to achieve successful participation. A combination of the following engagement tools will be used throughout the process:

  • COMMUNITY CONVERSATIONS: A series of one-on-one and small group interviews with self-selected and/or selected community members were held in May and June. The purpose of these conversations was to listen to community members’ perspectives on challenges and opportunities for Jefferson County and to set the foundation for the Update.
  • ONLINE QUESTIONNAIRES: Keep an eye out for upcoming online questionnaires on this page!
  • ENGAGE JEFFCO NEWSLETTER: Process updates and upcoming engagement opportunities will be included in the monthly Engage Jeffco Newsletter, and under the News Flash section of the overall County website.
  • IN-PERSON AND VIRTUAL EVENTS: Activities and events will be held both in person and virtually at locations throughout the County to appeal to the greatest number of community members. Microsoft Teams and Zoom will be used for virtual events and will include transcription/closed captioning capabilities as provided within these platforms. Translation and interpretation services will be provided for community conversations. Keep an eye out for a list of upcoming engagement events!
  • JEFFCO NOTIFY ME LISTSERV: Project updates and “calls-to-action” will be included in County emails to the Planning & Zoning Plan and Regulation Updates, and potentially the JCPH Policy Pulse and Sheriff’s Office accounts.


The Plans and Regulation Update process was initiated in March 2023 and has an anticipated completion date of May 2025. Generally, the process aligns the Plans and outreach, with anticipated adoption of the CP, TMP, CWPP, CEMP EA, and initial sections of the ULUC by November 2024. Remaining sections of the ULUC reliant upon the completion of the other plans are anticipated to be completed and adopted by May 2025.

Key stages in the process are summarized in the diagram and text below:

Through the 24-month process, community members will have various opportunities to participate in the planning process. The Public Engagement Plan will be updated to include specific dates, times, and venues, and each public event will be broadly and legally noticed. Generally, public participation events and activities will coincide with the key stages of the process shown above and follow the time periods included below.


April - September 2023

During the Foundation and Context stage, communication with the community, via listening sessions and one-on-one interviews, informational booths, and an online questionnaire, will occur. This stage offers the community opportunities to get involved, share what they love about Jefferson County, and learn about ways to stay engaged throughout the process.

Planned Activities and Events:

  • CP/TMP AC Meeting #1
  • CWPP/CEMP EA AC Meeting #1
  • ULUC AC Meetings #1 and #2
  • Community Roundtables (listening sessions and interviews)
  • Online Questionnaire #1
  • Informational Booths
  • Plans PC and BCC Work Session #1
  • ULUC PC and BCC Work Sessions #1 and #2
  • Community Events:
    • Red, White and You - Monday, July 3, 5-10pm - Clement Park
    • Evergreen Concert Series:
      • July 12, 4:30 - 8 pm – Buchanan Park Field
      • July 26, 4:30 - 8 pm – Evergreen Lakehouse
      • August 9, 5 - 8 pm – Buchanan Park Field


August – November 2023

Planned Activities and Events:

  • CP/TMP AC Meeting #2
  • CWPP/CEMP EA AC Meetings #2
  • ULUC AC Meeting #2
  • Plans PC and BCC Work Sessions #3 and #4
  • ULUC PC and BCC Work Sessions #3 and #4
  • Community Events:
    • Visioning Events
      • October 10th – 6 - 8 pm – District 1 – Storyline Church in Arvada
      • October 12th – 9 - 11 am – District 3 – Heritage United Methodist Church in Littleton
      • October 16th – 1 - 3 pm – District 2 – Boettcher Mansion in Golden


November 2023 - March 2024

Planned Activities and Events:

  • CP/TMP AC Meeting #3
  • CWPP/CEMP EA AC Meeting #3
  • ULUC AC Meeting #3
  • Community Events:
    • Open House Events
      • March 4th – 6:30 - 8:30 PM – Golden Gate Grange, 25201 Golden Gate Canyon Road, Golden
      • March 5th – 6:30 - 8:30 PM – Evergreen High School, 29300 Buffalo Park Rd, Evergreen
      • March 7th – 4 - 6 PM – Lookout Mountain Room at the Jefferson County Administration and Courts Building, 100 Jefferson County Parkway, Golden


March - August 2024

Coming soon


September - November 2024

Coming soon


November 2024 - May 2025

Coming soon

Thank you for joining us at the Choices & Opportunities Outreach events!

There was extraordinary turnout at the three in-person Choices Events, hosted throughout the County. Participants were asked to engage with information on the Comprehensive Plan (CP), the 15 Year Housing Strategy, the Unified Land Use Code (ULUC), the Transportation and Mobility Plan Update (TMP), the Community Wildfire Protection Plan (CWPP), and additional information from Jefferson County Open Space. Between 150-200 participants were able to share their thoughts on all pieces of the Together Jeffco planning effort.


Public participation is an important part of an inclusive and comprehensive planning process. Meaningful public input provides valuable direction to inform the County’s vision and is achieved by both listening and responding to the community.

Jefferson County believes that all residents have a voice that must be heard in preparing the updates. Everyone will be encouraged to participate in the Update process and Plans preparation. Participation will be monitored and evaluated throughout the process to determine if adequate representation is achieved or if modifications to outreach should occur to achieve successful participation. A combination of the following engagement tools will be used throughout the process:

  • COMMUNITY CONVERSATIONS: A series of one-on-one and small group interviews with self-selected and/or selected community members were held in May and June. The purpose of these conversations was to listen to community members’ perspectives on challenges and opportunities for Jefferson County and to set the foundation for the Update.
  • ONLINE QUESTIONNAIRES: Keep an eye out for upcoming online questionnaires on this page!
  • ENGAGE JEFFCO NEWSLETTER: Process updates and upcoming engagement opportunities will be included in the monthly Engage Jeffco Newsletter, and under the News Flash section of the overall County website.
  • IN-PERSON AND VIRTUAL EVENTS: Activities and events will be held both in person and virtually at locations throughout the County to appeal to the greatest number of community members. Microsoft Teams and Zoom will be used for virtual events and will include transcription/closed captioning capabilities as provided within these platforms. Translation and interpretation services will be provided for community conversations. Keep an eye out for a list of upcoming engagement events!
  • JEFFCO NOTIFY ME LISTSERV: Project updates and “calls-to-action” will be included in County emails to the Planning & Zoning Plan and Regulation Updates, and potentially the JCPH Policy Pulse and Sheriff’s Office accounts.


The Plans and Regulation Update process was initiated in March 2023 and has an anticipated completion date of May 2025. Generally, the process aligns the Plans and outreach, with anticipated adoption of the CP, TMP, CWPP, CEMP EA, and initial sections of the ULUC by November 2024. Remaining sections of the ULUC reliant upon the completion of the other plans are anticipated to be completed and adopted by May 2025.

Key stages in the process are summarized in the diagram and text below:

Through the 24-month process, community members will have various opportunities to participate in the planning process. The Public Engagement Plan will be updated to include specific dates, times, and venues, and each public event will be broadly and legally noticed. Generally, public participation events and activities will coincide with the key stages of the process shown above and follow the time periods included below.


April - September 2023

During the Foundation and Context stage, communication with the community, via listening sessions and one-on-one interviews, informational booths, and an online questionnaire, will occur. This stage offers the community opportunities to get involved, share what they love about Jefferson County, and learn about ways to stay engaged throughout the process.

Planned Activities and Events:

  • CP/TMP AC Meeting #1
  • CWPP/CEMP EA AC Meeting #1
  • ULUC AC Meetings #1 and #2
  • Community Roundtables (listening sessions and interviews)
  • Online Questionnaire #1
  • Informational Booths
  • Plans PC and BCC Work Session #1
  • ULUC PC and BCC Work Sessions #1 and #2
  • Community Events:
    • Red, White and You - Monday, July 3, 5-10pm - Clement Park
    • Evergreen Concert Series:
      • July 12, 4:30 - 8 pm – Buchanan Park Field
      • July 26, 4:30 - 8 pm – Evergreen Lakehouse
      • August 9, 5 - 8 pm – Buchanan Park Field


August – November 2023

Planned Activities and Events:

  • CP/TMP AC Meeting #2
  • CWPP/CEMP EA AC Meetings #2
  • ULUC AC Meeting #2
  • Plans PC and BCC Work Sessions #3 and #4
  • ULUC PC and BCC Work Sessions #3 and #4
  • Community Events:
    • Visioning Events
      • October 10th – 6 - 8 pm – District 1 – Storyline Church in Arvada
      • October 12th – 9 - 11 am – District 3 – Heritage United Methodist Church in Littleton
      • October 16th – 1 - 3 pm – District 2 – Boettcher Mansion in Golden


November 2023 - March 2024

Planned Activities and Events:

  • CP/TMP AC Meeting #3
  • CWPP/CEMP EA AC Meeting #3
  • ULUC AC Meeting #3
  • Community Events:
    • Open House Events
      • March 4th – 6:30 - 8:30 PM – Golden Gate Grange, 25201 Golden Gate Canyon Road, Golden
      • March 5th – 6:30 - 8:30 PM – Evergreen High School, 29300 Buffalo Park Rd, Evergreen
      • March 7th – 4 - 6 PM – Lookout Mountain Room at the Jefferson County Administration and Courts Building, 100 Jefferson County Parkway, Golden


March - August 2024

Coming soon


September - November 2024

Coming soon


November 2024 - May 2025

Coming soon

Page last updated: 25 Jul 2024, 03:19 PM